What Is An Invention Harvesting Meeting?
Craige Thompson offers this solution to this common problem of engineers walking out the door with proprietary patents and trade secrets at your expense.
Check out Thompson Patent Law’s solution to this problem and contact Craige Thompson for a consultation to protect your investment in engineering talent to avoid litigation and to build value.
Invention Harvesting Services include:
- Professional advice from patent attorney, speaker, and author, Craige Thompson.
Craige will lead an Invention Harvesting meeting on a group basis or individually (prices may vary). - A guided session designed to help you mine for ideas and to conduct a discovery meeting on ideas that you are currently missing out on.
- Supplement employment agreements with written documents that broaden the scope of the “related to” language in your employment agreements.
- Help your company capture the value of your investment in your engineering and innovation team before they start working for a competitor with a big idea that germinated while you were paying their salary.
- Additionally, Craige will provide valuable training to engineering companies and management for large to small groups to help dispel the top 10 myths about patents.
Minimize expense and maximize the benefits of your businesses IP.