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Simple Guide to Provisional Patent Application Basics

Securing initial protection for your invention is not just crucial—it’s an exciting first step in bringing your ideas to life! A provisional..

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LQ PatentCast: SAP America V. Investpic

Summary: The Federal Circuit burns off some of the fog surrounding software claims at Step 2 of

LQP PatentCast: Intellectual Ventures V. Motorola Mobility

Summary: Intellectual ventures patent misses a huge potential win because the claim had gone one throw away

LQP PatentCast: G. David Jang M.D. Vs Boston Scientific Corporation

Summary: Do you want to license your patent for $50 million? Well, you better set up your

LQ PatentCast: Mastermine Software V. Microsoft

Summary: The 4 layers that must be considered to properly interpret a patent claim. In this enlightening

LQP PatentCast: Visual Memory V Nvidia

Summary: Money in the middle of conventional extremes. One repeatable trick mining patentable inventions is to re-engineer

LQP PatentCast: Arctic Cat V. Bombardier Recreational Products

Summary: In this episode of the litigation quality PatentCast Craige explains how Arctic Cat successfully enforced and

Guest Article: Did You Forget Something? How It Pays To Remember The R&D Tax Credit

Creating a new product can be quite the undertaking. While trying to coordinate the efforts of engineers,


After you listen to this Podcast, click here to access our 6-part series: 6 Keys You Need

LQP Ask The Patent Attorney: How Do International Patents Work?

Summary: On this episode of LQP Ask the Patent Attorney, Craige Thompson answers the frequently asked question

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