Securing initial protection for your invention is not just crucial—it’s an exciting first step in bringing your ideas to life! A provisional..
In order for a slogan, tag line, motto, or other sentence or phrase attached to your product
There are a few different kinds of trademarks that you can apply to register with the United
Trademark regulations are quite specific about what can and cannot be trademarked, and the wise business owner
Do my claims satisfy these 12 criteria for a Litigation Quality Patent? Summary: Claim Criteria of a
Do my claims satisfy these 12 criteria for a Litigation Quality Patent? Summary: Claim Criteria of a
IPR PTAB CAST The IPR PTAB Cast, hosted by Craige Thompson (a.k.a., “The Examiner Whisperer”) in this
Summary: Patent Drafting Danger: Throw The Lists Overboard In this IPR PTABCast episode, The Examiner Whisperer, Craige
Summary: PTO not allowed to be “unreasonable” Patent owners gain another small victory! The Patent office’s strongest
Summary: Can a claim be obvious using “common sense” or “ordinary creativity?” No! Common sense or ordinary