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Simple Guide to Provisional Patent Application Basics

Securing initial protection for your invention is not just crucial—it’s an exciting first step in bringing your ideas to life! A provisional..

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Should I Hire a Lawyer to Trademark a Slogan?

In order for a slogan, tag line, motto, or other sentence or phrase attached to your product

Understanding The Different Types Of Trademarks

There are a few different kinds of trademarks that you can apply to register with the United

Do I Need Help to Trademark Something?

Trademark regulations are quite specific about what can and cannot be trademarked, and the wise business owner

LQP Ask The Patent Attorney: Is My Attorney Getting Me The Right Claims? (Part 1 of 2)

Do my claims satisfy these 12 criteria for a Litigation Quality Patent? Summary: Claim Criteria of a

Is My Attorney Getting Me The Right Claims?

Do my claims satisfy these 12 criteria for a Litigation Quality Patent? Summary: Claim Criteria of a


IPR PTAB CAST The IPR PTAB Cast, hosted by Craige Thompson (a.k.a., “The Examiner Whisperer”) in this

Ipr Ptabcast: Nidec Motor Corporation V. Zhongshan Broad Ocean Co.

Summary: Patent Drafting Danger: Throw The Lists Overboard In this IPR PTABCast episode, The Examiner Whisperer, Craige

IPR PTABCast: In Re Smith International Inc.

Summary: PTO not allowed to be “unreasonable” Patent owners gain another small victory! The Patent office’s strongest

IPR PTABCast: DSS Technology V. Apple

Summary: Can a claim be obvious using “common sense” or “ordinary creativity?” No! Common sense or ordinary

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