Craige’s 100X ROI Patent Calculator™

Unlock the potential of your patents with Craige’s 100X ROI Patent Calculator™. This powerful tool helps you evaluate and maximize the return on investment from your patent portfolio. Designed by patent attorney Craige Thompson, this calculator provides valuable insights to ensure your patents are profitable.

ROI Calculator

Business Scenarios

Instructions: Enter your projections for each scenario below. Fill in the Average Retail Sales Price, COGS (Cost of Goods Sold), and # Units Sold for Year 1. Then, use the slider to set your estimated annual growth rate.

Conservative Most Likely Optimistic
Avg Retail Sales Price ($)
Conservative Most Likely Optimistic
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) ($)
Conservative Most Likely Optimistic
# Units Sold (Year 1)
Conservative Most Likely Optimistic

Growth rate is the projected growth rate of units sold per year (assumes constant per unit gross profit margin).

Business Scenario Projections

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Gross Profit (Year) ($)

Craige's 100X ROI Calculator Results

Accumulated Gross Profit: $

100x ROI Threshold: $2,000,000

Your Results:

Note: This recommendation is based on the average cost of going through the entire patent process, including prior art research, patent application preparation, office action responses, and monetization consulting.

Your Next Steps

If you want to get even more advanced analysis of patent valuation and the financial impact of patent protection for your business, schedule a complimentary Patent Needs Assessment with Craige’s Team so you can build and scale faster with confidence.

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